It’s hard to focus on your academic work when you are feeling financial stress. This multi-page guide will provide suggestions made by peers for how to approach your finances so that you can minimize your stress and maximize your academic success.
Managing Your Finances
Starting off on the right step by budgetting and planning ahead.
Earning Money
Because there’s nothing like that feeling you get when the direct deposit hits.
Saving Money
For those longer-term financial goals that won’t be accomplished overnight.
Borrowing Money
When the money just isn’t around, these options aren’t necessarily a bad alternative.
Have More Questions/Concerns?
- Any Financial Aid-related questions can be answered by contacting Financial Aid at this link.
- For information about campus jobs, visit the Student Employment website at
- Your Residential College Dean should be your first point of contact for personal emergencies, including financial emergencies.
- Talk with residential college deans, cultural house deans, Frocos, and other trusted peer mentors (peer liaisons, Academic Strategies Mentors) for informal but fruitful discussions about maintaining a healthy financial life while at Yale. While at first it may feel uncomfortable to talk about your personal or family financial circumstances, reaching out when you first have questions or concerns can help you find solutions before a small financial challenge becomes a full-blown crisis. Finding ways to proactively manage your financial resources will lessen your stress and give you more time to focus on your academic, extracurricular, and professional opportunities at Yale.
As always, you can reach out to Jorge ( for more specific questions and for assistance with more particular circumstances.
Note: Some of the information on this web page was initially compiled by Yale UFLIP (Undergraduate First-Generation Low-Income Partnership)