Funding Programs

Fellowships and Funding

Fund your research or internship through any of the hundreds of funding opportunities accessed through the Fellowships and Funding Office. Receive the financial support you need by following these steps:

  1. Begin your funding search through the Yale Student Grants Database
  2. Get tips for getting started and applying for the first time
  3. Get one-on-one advising through Drop-In Office Hours (for 10 minutes, F 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) or Schedule an Appointment

Note: Some fellowships, like the Light Fellowship and study programs in the UK, require specific procedures before coming for an appointment

  1. Attend an information session or workshop for specific fellowships (Fulbright, Rhodes, Marshall, etc.)
  2. Apply for IRB approval for human subjects related research

Fellowships Office Calendar:

Note: The Fellowships and Funding physical office space will remain closed during the fall 2020 semester.  Advising appoitnments and events will continue to be available and conducted via Zoom. 

Career Development

Summer Experience Award

The Summer Experience Award provides a one-time stipend for either a domestic or international opportunity to Yale College first-years, sophomores, and juniors on Yale financial aid. View details below and check out the Summer Experience Award Frequently Asked Questions page for additional information. This award can be used during one qualifying summer for either:

A US-Based Experience: A $4,000 stipend for a secured, approved unpaid or underfunded ($1500 or less) 8 week (or longer) summer opportunity with one of the following: 501(c)(3) nonprofit including non-profit Universities; government entity including public Universities; non-governmental organization (NGO); Arts Apprenticeship; or Science, Laboratory, or Other Research Opportunity. Remote opportunities are eligible.


An International Experience: A stipend of $6,000 for a secured, approved unpaid or underfunded ($1500 or less) 8 week (or longer) summer opportunity with one of the following: nonprofit organization including non-profit Universities; for-profit company; government entity including public Universities; non-governmental organization (NGO); Arts Apprenticeship; or Science, Laboratory, or Other Research Opportunity. Remote opportunities are eligible (the award is reduced to $4,000 for remote position).

Questions about the Summer Experience Award can be directed to

The Gilman Scholarship Program

The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship grants students of limited financial needs a $5,000 scholarship to study or intern abroad. Administered by the Institute of International Education, the program seeks to broaden the student population that goes abroad, and has a particular interest in allowing students to study critical need languages (deemed important to national security). Students seeking to study any of the following languages abroad are eligible for an additional $3,000 scholarship:

  • Arabic
  • Azerbaijani
  • Bangla
  • Chinese
  • Hindi
  • Indonesian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Persian
  • Punjabi
  • Russian
  • Swahili
  • Turkish
  • Urdu

Application opens: August 2018

The Future Global Leaders Fellowship

for First-Years

The Future Global Leaders Fellowship provides FGLI college students across the country the opportunity to participate in a 3-year program that includes a three-week training with the National Outdoor Leadership School, mentorship with high-level leaders in their fields, and provide internship funding. Fellows also receive customized career services and are inducted to the Fortis Society upon completion of the Fellowship.

Note: Due to Covid-19, the Future Global Leaders Fellowship will not be running.


Fortis Society

for Seniors, Recent Graduates, or Young Professionals

The Fortis Society is a multinational network of individuals from underprivileged backgrounds that are committed to creating a better world through an ambition to become influential global leaders. Members benefit from exclusive global gatherings as well as discussion, debate, and exchange forums with other members.

Cientifico Latino

The Científico Latino Project at Yale comes from a desire to see a more diverse body of scientists and professionals, with an attention to minority students, by providing a network of graduate and professional students, as well as resources on scholarships and fellowships. Their website also offers blogs on professional development that aspiring scientists can benefit from.